Tag Archives: Dave Carroll

Musical Interlude: United Song #2

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-UoERHaSQg Dave Carroll is back with his promised second United Song, included the promised tuba. It is a much slower tempo than United Song #1, but the video goes a bit farther, and incorporates many more volunteers. The song incorporates some of the same amusing elements. In lieu of three guys in sombreros, this time…

United Song Artist Speaks Out

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ay7hFIYQFnw Artist Dave Carroll(appears above) thanked the Internet community for its support of United Song #1(remember there are two more). United has offered compensation to Carroll, but he has declined, asking them to donate the money to a charity of their choice, and share that news with the public. We hope they take him up…