Musical Interlude: United Song #2

By | August 18, 2009

Dave Carroll is back with his promised second United Song, included the promised tuba. It is a much slower tempo than United Song , but the video goes a bit farther, and incorporates many more volunteers.

The song incorporates some of the same amusing elements. In lieu of three guys in sombreros, this time we get them in lederhosen. Carroll used more than 100 volunteers.

The general idea of the song is that I’m pleading with United to do the right thing because their policies are putting a real strain on what could be a terrific friendship between Ms. Irlweg and myself.

We’re glad he is keeping this upbeat and fun, and Carroll claims there is nothing more light-hearted than a tuba, that the rhythm makes “you want to reach out and grab somebody around the shoulder and start swaying back and forth.” It is apparently not a real tuba in the audio, merely a synthesized one.

A few more songs, and Dave could have his own musical…A tale of star-crossed lovers, passenger and customer service representative, caught in a love-rectangle with United Airlines and a Taylor guitar. Well, maybe not, but we might buy the album if he releases the songs.

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