Tag Archives: FAA

FAA Seeking Public Comment on Portable Electronics

The FAA announced that they are forming a working group to study current policies related to portable electronic devices(PED). The group will review the FAA’s policies on devices and the procedures for determining whether they can be used during various phases of the flight. This doesn’t mean you’ll be able to use your cell phone…

FAA Grounds Migrating Whooping Cranes For One Month In Alabama, Grants Them One Time License To Continue

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Image by wolfstad via Flickr"][/caption] Nine endangered whooping cranes, migrating from Wisconsin to Florida, recently spent a month grounded in Alabama, after the FAA decided that their “pilot guides” were operating in violation of a regulation which prohibits them from receiving pay for their services.  The pilots, who work for Operation…

Science Be Damned, John Quain’s Gut Tells Him Electronics Are Dangerous During Flight

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="250" caption="Image via CrunchBase"][/caption] Several generations ago, a heretofore unimportant Senator arose brandishing a list which he claimed contained the names of 207 known Communists who had infiltrated the State Department.  Never mind that Senator McCarthy had no such list, that the number changed from day to day.  He knew that State…