Steven Slater 2008 on Steven Slater 2010

By | August 13, 2010
JetBlue Tail (N556JB; "Betty Blue")
Image via Wikipedia

The Daily News reported this week on an account on believed to belong to Steven Slater, the JetBlue flight attendant who rode the chute. is a popular forum site frequented by airline professionals and enthusiasts.

Of particular interest was a post from 2008 detailing Mr. Slater’s opinion on rude passengers:

He also criticized crew members who blow their top with rude passengers.

“To stand there and flex my muscles by getting into an altercation just makes me look stupid and creates anxiety for my passengers,” he wrote in response to a 2008 posting by someone who had a run-in with a flight attendant.

“She obviously lost the very composure she was hired to have. … Unprofessionalism is unacceptable, and you don’t speak to people that way. Period.”

“Unprofessionalism is unacceptable…. Period.”  What would Steven Slater 2008 say about a flight attendant who hurled obscenities at passengers, deployed an emergency chute and fled. We’re pretty sure he wouldn’t call him a hero.