Airports Trying to Boost Reputation

By | September 27, 2006

As USAToday reports as part of its Airport: Special Report, under a three year old program…Daytona Beach spends between three hundred and four hundred dollars a month for envelopes and postage to mail items confiscated by the TSA back to their owners. Other programs involve complementary clear plastic bags.

Dallas-Fort Worth Airport recently launched monthly podcasts in English and Spanish on airport parking, dining, art shows, and shopping. Canton/Akron’s website has the CAK Blog Port, with three blogs on various airport issues. Most airports integrate flight tracking and scheduling information.  More and more airports have free wireless in certain areas for their customers.

If airports want to promote themselves, they can’t just offer fares(although they are working aggressively on that)…some of the smaller airports can’t beat a major hub for pricing no matter what. But, if the prices are reasonably competitive with an hour or two drive to the nearest larger airport, and they offer a better experience, they can attract those passengers they would have otherwise lost as well as encouragiing flying in general.

Author: Guru

Guru is the Editor of Flight Wisdom and a long time aviation enthusiast.