Essential Tips for Air Travel with Young Children

By | November 29, 2023

Embarking on a family adventure by air can be a thrilling experience, but it often comes with unique challenges when traveling with young children. In this blog post, we’ll uncover valuable tips to help make your air travel with little ones not only manageable but an enjoyable journey filled with smiles and cherished memories.

Early Planning and Booking:


Start your journey on the right foot by planning and booking early. Secure seats together and choose flight times that align with your child’s routine.

Why It Matters:

Early planning ensures you have the best chance of securing adjacent seats, and scheduling flights around nap times or quieter periods can make the journey more comfortable for everyone. The DOT maintains a dashboard of US carriers and their policies on family seating.

Pack Smart:


Create a comprehensive packing list that includes essentials such as diapers, wipes, snacks, entertainment, and a change of clothes.

Why It Matters:

Being well-prepared helps you handle unexpected situations with ease. Pack a variety of snacks and toys to keep your child engaged and content during the flight.

Entertainment Is Key:


Bring a mix of entertainment, including books, toys, and electronic devices with headphones.

Why It Matters:

A variety of entertainment options keeps your child engaged and helps pass the time more quickly. Consider introducing new toys or books to capture their interest.

Snack Attack:


Pack a variety of snacks and consider bringing some surprises to make snack time more exciting.

Why It Matters:

Snacks not only keep hunger at bay but can also serve as a great distraction. Choose a mix of healthy options and a few treats to keep things interesting.

Comfort Matters:


Dress your child in comfortable layers and bring a cozy blanket or favorite stuffed animal.

Why It Matters:

Comfort is key during air travel. Dressing in layers allows you to adjust for changing cabin temperatures, and familiar items provide a sense of security.

Pre-Boarding Strategies:


Take advantage of pre-boarding to get settled and ensure you have everything you need within easy reach.

Why It Matters:

Pre-boarding allows you to set up a comfortable space for your child and stow essential items conveniently. This minimizes stress during the boarding process.

Stay Hydrated:


Encourage your child to drink water regularly throughout the flight.

Why It Matters:

Airplane cabins can be dehydrating, and staying hydrated is essential for everyone, especially young children. Bring a refillable water bottle to make it easy to stay refreshed.

Embrace Naptime:


If possible, schedule flights around your child’s naptime to promote a more peaceful journey.

Why It Matters:

Napping during the flight can significantly reduce restlessness and make the overall travel experience more enjoyable for both your child and fellow passengers.

Be Mindful of Ear Pressure:


Encourage your child to drink, chew gum, or use a pacifier during takeoff and landing to alleviate ear pressure.

Why It Matters:

Changes in air pressure during ascent and descent can be uncomfortable for young children. These simple strategies help equalize ear pressure and reduce discomfort.

Stay Calm and Flexible:


Remain calm and be flexible when faced with unexpected challenges. Patience is key.

Why It Matters:

Traveling with young children may present unforeseen situations. A calm and adaptable mindset will not only benefit you but also contribute to a positive experience for your child.


Air travel with young children is an adventure that requires careful planning and a touch of flexibility. By incorporating these tips into your journey, you can create a positive and enjoyable experience for both your child and fellow travelers. With a well-prepared bag of tricks and a mindset ready for anything, you’ll be soaring through the skies with smiles and making memories that last a lifetim