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Enjoy the latest in airline service changes:
- Air Canada announced service to seven new American cities. They will be inaugurating new service from Toronto to Orange County (Santa Ana) and San Diego, California; Portland, Oregon; Memphis, Tennessee; Cincinnati, Ohio; Portland, Maine; and Syracuse, New York.
- Delta Air Lines plans to cut another 10-20 flights daily from the Cincinnati schedule. What was once Delta’s second largest hub is now it’s sixth largest operation.
- Lufthansa will introduce nonstop service from Miami to Munich three days a week, beginning March 29th, in addition to its existing service from Frankfurt and Dusseldorf. They will extend the Miami -Dusseldorf service through May 23rd, and will resume it again October 8th. Meanwhile, they will resume five times weekly service from Dusseldorf to Toronto.
- Little Rock Airport now offers skycap service after five of the airport’s six airlines ended the service last year.
- AirTran Airways announced new service to Grand Rapids, MI from BWI and Orlando International Airports. Service will begin May 4th.
- Beginning May 2nd, Continental Airlines announced new newstop service from its Cleveland hub to Norfolk, VA and Green Bay, WI.
- American Eagle will operate new seasonal jet service between Asheville, North Carolina and Dallas/Ft. Worth from April 6th through October 31st. It will offer the same between Dallas/Ft. Worth and Myrtle Beach, SC.