Happy Birthday, Flight Wisdom

By | July 29, 2009
A decorated birthday cake

On July 29th, 2006, the Flight Wisdom Blog launched. When we launched, we thought the blog would be a small part of a larger site. We still have that dream, but maintaining everything and doing all the other things we have to do does force us to prioritize.

Two years ago this week, on July 22nd, 2007, deciding that we’re better at the blog format, we spun off Infrequent Flier, a travel tip site for those less-experienced at the subtleties of air travel.

And a few weeks ago, we spun off Transit Wisdom, as we wanted to talk about other forms of transportation…bus, train, subway, light rail, etc.

As we said, a lot of work. But even after three years of evolving and contributing to the community of bloggers, we still enjoy it. Earlier this year we started contributing to the dialogue in real time on Twitter, @FlightWisdom, and @TransitWisdom.

This month, in honor of the anniversary, we redesigned the blog theme for the first time since the beginning and standardized it amongst our blogs. We added a new custom search engine we will be further tweaking, as well as a links page we will be expanding. We welcome suggestions and feedback.

So, from all of us here at Flight Wisdom, including our Editor, our team of newspaper and website researchers, we thank those of you who have been here from early on and those who have just joined us.

To another three years.

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Author: Guru

Guru is the Editor of Flight Wisdom and a long time aviation enthusiast.