United Doubles Second Bag Fee

By | September 16, 2008

United Airlines will double its fee to check a second bag to $50 one-way. The airline estimated this change will affect only one out of seven customers and that its ancillary revenue, including bag fees will be $700 million in 2009.

We searched around to see what our fellow bloggers were saying on the issue and tend to agree with Upgrade Travel. They agree with us that charging for the first bag is not appropriate, but approve of a $50 charge on the second bag.

He also points out that United blames the cost of fuel on this. Now, fuel is going down, but we have to disagree with Mark’s conclusions. Fuel is still higher than viable for most airlines, and the reduction from $150 to below $100 has turned a near-bankruptcy inducing fuel price to a danger-zone level fuel price. Of course, trying to shrug off a business decision on this factor is not something we approve of either.

In the end, a move like this will likely be matched by American and US Airways within the week. Amtrak for your next vacation anyone?