Greyhound…please object

By | April 30, 2007

We hope Greyhound and other bus companies are prepared to object to the bad name Skybus is giving to bus travel in this country. It has never been luxurious…but it’ll get you there.

Upgrade Travel has some things of interest about this airline. For one, be careful if you try booking a vacation package on their site…it is not really a vacation…it is a time-share offer. It says in the fine print at the bottom…”This advertising material is being used for the purpose of soliciting sales of timeshare interests or plans.” No wonder they are selling Orlando and Las Vegas…which they don’t even fly to.

There should be a law about advertising “Boston from $10 when service provided it from Portsmouth. Perhaps we should write our Senators or Congressmen(it didn’t work for us the last time).

Elliot has advice on how to actually contact people at Skybus…including a phone number. Just remember…they don’t want to hear from you.

Author: Guru

Guru is the Editor of Flight Wisdom and a long time aviation enthusiast.