Our Entry for Bruce Schneier’s Movie Plot Threat Contest

By | April 6, 2007

Bruce Schneier has announced his Second Annual Movie Plot Threat Contest…and we’re aiming to win the prize…one of his books autographed…

Our goal: invent a terrorist plot to hijack or blow up an airplane with a commonly carried item as a key component. The component should be so critical to the plot that the TSA will have no choice but to ban the item once the plot is uncovered. I want to see a plot horrific and ridiculous, but just plausible enough to take seriously.

So here is our plot:

The terrorists attempt to blow up the plane with explosives disguised as common food items.

  1. Plastic explosives are rolled into little balls by men wearing gloves, surrounded by tomato sauce, and frozen to look like a container of frozen leftovers brought as lunch. They are wrapped very thoroughly in tupperware and handed off in lunch-sized freezer bags to potential terrorists.
  2. They will not be given much look at, as assumed to be lunch.
  3. The problem then is of course, an ingenious detonator. The terrorists will smuggle an exploding-bridgewire detonator, which looks like a long tube on disguised as part of a collapsible stroller, one of the ones that separates into a car seat and a wheel portion.
  4. This will of course require a baby.
  5. Assorted wires can be smuggled on rather easily and in an innocuous way.
  6. Finally, at the appropriate time, the detonator, the C4, and the wiring will be hooked into the airplane’s power through a Marx generator, which can be disguised into the car seat infant retraint system.
  7. The resulting explosion will, of course, cause the banning of all car seats, strollers, and of course….UFOs(Unidentified Frozen Objects) such as frozen meatballs…perhaps all foodstuffs.

Think it is horrific and ridiculous enough? Perhaps our next plot should involve the materials involved in making chemical explosives disguised inside a salami, or a container of tuna salad?

Author: Guru

Guru is the Editor of Flight Wisdom and a long time aviation enthusiast.