Is Southwest Low-Frills?

By | March 5, 2007

Ben Mutzabaugh of Today in the Sky asked whether or not Southwest is trying to change its no-frills image. Now, Southwest’s product has remained consistent since the beginning. It has been consistent quality and customer service…not luxurious, but not what people come to think when they think no frills.

For Europeans familiar with the likes of Ryanair…Southwest is a luxury airline. Especially if luxury is defined as caring for its customers as a policy. Southwest, however, has remained unchanged, while the legacy carriers, formerly offering things like blankets, meals, and other frills, have cut things so much that Southwest’s service may seem frill-filled.

Southwest has launched a television ad campaign poking fun at the reduced frills and charges legacy carriers are levying.

Author: Guru

Guru is the Editor of Flight Wisdom and a long time aviation enthusiast.