
By | September 22, 2006

A travel company to have a look at is cFares, which offers some services that are rather unique to the online travel market. We found a review of it on GigaOM.

We have in the past commented about our issues with online travel agents because we believe that there is a lack of good customer service in the event you need it. However, cFares is rather unique in its approach, and worth analysis. It has an option called cAgent, which will monitor fares on international itineraries for up to a week to find one at the price desired and hold a reservation for 24 hours, as well as send an email when the price is discovered.

As far as we know, there is no other site that will do this. Priceline’s Name your own price service charges the credit card immediately before you can even see the offer. Personally, we believe that excessive amounts of agencies and airlines holding seats without payment raises the price for those of us who are willing to buy right when we see the price we want, but any service that gives people an edge in saving money is something worth knowing about and experimenting with.

The premium portion of cFares requires a $50 subscription fee and offers access to wholesaler discounts. For frequent travellers, that may be worth it if they can deliver on their promise of wholesaler discounts. We are not willing to spend fifty dollrs to find out.

Author: Guru

Guru is the Editor of Flight Wisdom and a long time aviation enthusiast.