Baggage Roundup

By | September 7, 2006

As Gotta Go! comments, the Hyatt Hotel is partnering with Baggage Airline Guest Services, an Orlando-based organization, to provide service at some locations.

Baggage Airline Guest Services(BAGS), is an organization that is authorized to issue boarding passes for some carriers and will, as part of their service, take your bags from the hotel to the airport and put them through security. They are essentially a remote skycap service. There are a few similar organizations in existence, including Ft. Lauderdale based Bags to Go.

Hyatts in Boston, Dallas, Denver, Miami, Orlando, San Diego, Seattle and Tampa will offer it to start with other cities coming on later. The service will cost $10.

Now, critics may maintain this situation may be a security risk. However, the bags are still screened by TSA authorities at the airport. All this company is doing is transporting your bags to the airport and making it so you go directly to the plane. Admittedly, it does create another point of failure, but this company is handling a lot less in terms of bags than the airline itself.

With web check-in now an option, and many hotels offering a computer/printer for people to print boarding passes, this service may seem less useful. However, you won’t have to lug your bags around the airport or wait to check them. We are hoping next, the company will contract to bring the bags to the hotel so you don’t have to wait around the baggage claim for them. For more information, here is the Hyatt’s press release.

Author: Guru

Guru is the Editor of Flight Wisdom and a long time aviation enthusiast.