
Flight Wisdom pairs the insights of a travel insider with the latest news. Flight Wisdom (www.flightwisdom.com) as well as its daughter site, Infrequent Flier (www.infrequentflier.com), are now available on Twitter @flightwisdom. Comments are eagerly welcomed.

Who are We?

It all began in 2006 at a retreat in upstate New York. Sitting around a table, a group of individuals with unique and varied knowledge who had known each other for years decided to get into online content as a serious endeavor. The idea was simple. Put up a site on a topic of interest, everyone would contribute stories, which would be edited for consistency. A few ads would be added for profit, and we would build the brands exponentially.

After a few slow starts, one day, the idea came for Flight Wisdom. Why Flight Wisdom? Why not some other name? Well, the truth is…we kept putting in combinations until we found an available domain. Originally, Flight Wisdom was meant to be a site and a blog. But over time, we decided to focus on the blog side of things. But we still have great plans.

It took us a while to find our style and philosophy for the blog. Out of Flight Wisdom, we spun-off Transit Wisdom, when we decided we never discussed trains, subways, and buses, and wanted a place to do that, and Infrequent Flier, when we wanted a place to concentrate our travel tips.

We will continue to expand into new territories as we can.

The Flight Wisdom Guru

Guru is the handle/nickname for our Editor and the man behind the Twitter account, thus the voice of Flight Wisdom. Like the name Flight Wisdom, Guru just  sounded good. A guru is “one who is regarded as having great knowledge, wisdom and authority in a certain area, and who uses it to guide others“. It seemed appropriate. He is based in New York City, having grown up under one of the lesser used approaches for LaGuardia Airport, and developed a lifelong love of all things transportation, with a focus on route over fleet. Having spent some time working at an airport, and in the overall industry, he’s developed an inside knowledge of many practices, and tries to set an editorial balance between compliments and criticism of the airlines and a healthy respect for the hard-working men and women who form the airline workforce, a few of which act as anonymous correspondents.

The Infrequent Flier

Our roving correspondent, resident expert, and head statistician, the Infrequent Flier also provides vital monitoring of current news and information. the Infrequent Flier remained largely uncredited, but not unappreciated on Flight Wisdom till he appeared in our initial test podcast, as sound engineer and participant in an improvised opener. He also has guest anchored the Flight Wisdom Briefing.

The Others

The remaining members of the Flight Wisdom team have so far declined to take credit for their contribution, but we thank them nonetheless. They consist of persons knowledgeable in the industry, as well as gifted laymen who provide their insights and send us news and information we may find of use.


In order to ensure compliance with FTC rules regarding bloggers, we will disclose in any story in bold at the bottom any perks, gifts, discounts, etc that we receive from airlines or other companies. In any circumstance in which a company is providing us with anything, it shall not affect our fair reporting on the experience.

Any thoughts expressed are our own, and, except as noted or attributed, are not those of any other organization/corporation/etc.